Easy , Simple Business Systems

At RetroMod , we help your business make more money and dramatically cut costs with technology. From phone systems and custom software to computers and printers , we take care of it at a reasonable rate. Heres how we do it

How Can We Help You?

For businesses , those plastic things with electronics inside can mean success or failure in a digital world. We make it easy , simple , and techno-free for you. See how we've helped other businesses like yours

Our Customers

These businesses and organisations dont worry about who to call when their email is broken or why their server crashed.We take care of them so they can do what they're good at. Previous Customer List

Home Our Previous Customers
Our Previous Customers


Khula Enterprises called us for a small cleanup job to the network at their Durban branch. Since then , they have trusted us with most of their other technology needs.

Smart Xchange

The Smart Xchange business hub in Durban has entrusted RetroMod with its general IT infrastructure maintenence , including servers

Ethekwini Municipality Ethekwini entrusted us to provide the long range wireless connection between their Gateway Firestation and the Inanda clinic , where mission critical medical data is uploaded daily.
iziBuko Izibuko has trusted us with the provision and maintenence of their Windows systems.
Daytrippers Daytrippers is a tourism company in Cape Town. This site has had a huge boost in search engine rankings and traffic since we started optimization just 3 months ago.